We specialize in assisting management right owners to take control of the sales within their complex.
Every manager has the same complaint about an external real estate agent waltzing in and preaching about how good they are and how they will look after your
owners. Then they end up selling to an owner occupier or passing on the new owner’s details to their property management team. Next thing you know you have lost a part of your business and all you have to show for it is a measly referral fee. Let’s face it, no one will look after your business like you.
It’s time to take control. You already know the property, the complex and the owners. By default, you are the most qualified person to deal with the sale. You don’t need to spend time and money searching for how you can go about listing properties or the administering sales contracts and trust accounts.
Custom Realty Group already has the solution We have the systems, software & support in place to enable you to become the exclusive real estate agent in your complex. All sales and rentals are automatically published onto realestate.com.au, domain.com.au along with a further nine real estate websites. Even better, every property receives this advertising for free.
Every property that you list gives you the chance to retain the management and provide a valuable service to your current owners. Also, remember that an average sales
commission is worth approximately the same as 6 years worth of rental management fees.
“I was frustrated at the lack of options available in order to undertake sales activities in my complex. I was also disappointed at the amount of commission that I had
to sacrifice to another agency in the process. I would highly recommend joining Custom Realty Group”
Custom Realty Group offer a variety of commission options for you to choose from. Whether you are planning to sell one unit a year or one unit a month, the choice is yours. Why not expand your income and start earning 100% of the sales commission?
Simply contact Sophie Harmes on 0450 144 124 today. Take control of your business.