TheOnsiteManager is apparently so impressed by AccomProperties that it blogged about us!
In the words of Michelle Obama, “when they go low, we go high”.
AccomProperties is an industry leader and part of a small, family-owned and operated business, something it has in common with many businesses in the management rights sector. Brought to you by the same folks who produce the long-running, colloquially known ‘industry bible’, Resort News and its 21-year-old Preferred Supplier Programme.
Yes, we have big history. Our magazines and websites, from to, Resort News and Accom Management Guide, have walked managers through the ups and downs of this industry for decades, providing news, support and information. We have a massive backlog of insights that managers can find on our websites and in our magazines and many Management Rights businesses have been sold through our pages. For decades, we have worked alongside resort industry professionals, managers and suppliers.
Job creators... We provide industry jobs for our small team of hardworking locals who have massive knowledge of the resort industry. Our industry stalwart, Stewart Shimmin has been with Resort News since the very beginning and has championed AccomProperties from the get-go; not to mention Gavin and Tim, who are well-known names and faces in the industry.
Family-centred... Long-time Multimedia Pty/Ltd owners Patrick and Mandy Clarke both work in the business, Patrick can usually be found at the Noosaville office and Mandy writes for all the publications, mainly profiling management rights owners in Resort News. Their daughter, Rosie has been editing in the company for some years, taking over from her mentor - the legendary Resort News editor, Graham Vercoe.
Industry-vested... We are an integral part of the resort industry wheel and truly invested in it. We are huge supporters of ARAMA and are well-known (and in the case of Stewart, well-worn) faces at industry events. Accomproperties is also the major sponsor of the ARAMA Get Member Awards Program.
Newly-refreshed... Recently our publications underwent a bit of a revamp (to keep up with the digital age and our up-and-coming millennial managers). AccomProperties has been an organic part of that evolution.
What we do best... We focus on the important stuff – our readers and resort managers who rely on us to provide them with industry news, useful information and access to services and products.
What we don’t do... Put down other services or providers. Happily, this market is not a monopoly and we are here to provide a positive service to the accommodation industry.
AccomProperties… Introducing competition to the marketplace often sparks improved and revised services from existing service providers who, through no fault of their own, may become complacent. AccomProperties is focussed on innovation, user-satisfaction and is beginning to open doors for new buyers in the accommodation industry marketplace.
We are using our long history in the sector to propel management rights into the future, embracing change and content while sharing the spoils with all industry stakeholders.
So, here’s some exclusive industry news from our team: We will be making a big announcement in the next edition of Resort News! Spoiler alert: our team is expanding! Make sure you read the editor’s note in the September issue for more details.